About DS

A digital expedition into owning and maintaining your own data!

Technology has flourished over recent history at the pace of Moore’s law.  As humans this has been nearly impossible to keep up with.  Even as an Electrical Engineer who has made my career with computers, I gave in about 15 years ago and just rode the consumer wave of hardware/cloud/phone.  I allowed 15 DVD’s worth of pictures, videos, and files to be created and distributed across device and space.

Of course there are cloud solutions which can solve this process for you; Dropbox, OneDrive from Microsoft, iCloud from Apple to name just a few. And, for many, may be perfectly acceptable solutions.  However, these solutions create a dependency which Digital Sovereign will allow you to avoid.

Digital Sovereign will define a solution for slaying the digital beast and allow you to create a reliable, maintainable digital solution which you will own and control.